FC 24 Flair Pass Not Working

There can be several reasons why your flair passes aren’t working in FC 24. Let’s try to diagnose the issue:

Controls and Timing:

  1. Button combination: Ensure you’re pressing the correct button combination for flair passes. On PlayStation, it’s L2 + X/Circle, and on Xbox, it’s LT + A.

  2. Pressing timing: Don’t hold the buttons down. Quickly tap them simultaneously. Hold the directional stick if you want a specific direction for the flair pass.

  3. Player standing still: Flair passes require your player to be stationary. Moving while attempting the move might interrupt it.

Technical Issues:

  1. Controller malfunction: Try using a different controller to see if the issue persists.

  2. Game update: Outdated game versions can sometimes cause bugs. Ensure you have the latest update installed.

  3. Platform issues: If you’re playing on PS4 or Xbox One, compatibility issues might arise. Check if other players on your platform are experiencing the same problem.

Other Factors:

  1. Player attributes: Players with low Skill Move ratings might have difficulty performing flair passes consistently. Consider using players with higher skill move ratings.

  2. Stamina level: Low stamina could affect your player’s ability to execute skill moves effectively. Ensure your player has sufficient stamina before attempting flair passes.

  3. Pitch conditions: Wet or muddy pitch conditions can affect ball control and skill move execution. Consider your surroundings before attempting flair passes.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Practice flair passes in Skill Games or training drills to refine your technique and timing.
  • Check online forums and communities to see if other players have reported similar issues and potential solutions.
  • Contact EA Help if you’ve tried all the above and the issue persists. They can provide further assistance and investigate potential technical issues.

Remember, mastering flair passes takes practice and understanding. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t work perfectly at first. Keep practicing, and you’ll soon be pulling off those flashy moves with ease!

I hope this information helps you diagnose the problem and get your flair passes working again. Feel free to ask any further questions you might have!

Good luck on the virtual pitch!

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