PoE Expedition currency: Ancient Orbs vs. Regal Fragments

Both Ancient Orbs and Regal Fragments from Expedition in Path of Exile have their own unique uses and value considerations, making it difficult to definitively say which one is "better." The answer ultimately depends on your current goals and playstyle. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Ancient Orbs:

  • High-risk, high-reward potential: Reroll all modifiers on an item. This can result in a complete upgrade, turning a decent item into a powerhouse, or a devastating downgrade, reducing it to garbage.
  • Best for high-investment items: Use Ancient Orbs on rares or uniques with strong base stats and good existing modifiers, where the potential upside outweighs the risk.
  • RNG factor: The results are entirely random, making Ancient Orbs a gamble.
  • Limited usability: You can only use one per item.

Regal Fragments:

  • Safer and more controlled upgrades: Upgrade a non-influenced rare item’s tier. This guarantees improvement, ensuring the item reaches its maximum potential based on its base type.
  • Versatile: Can be used on any non-influenced rare, making them suitable for various gear slots and builds.
  • Consistent progress: Provides predictable advancement without the gamble of Ancient Orbs.
  • Multiple uses: You can use multiple Regal Fragments on the same item to reach higher tiers.

Choosing between them:

  • For experienced players with high-tier gear: If you have well-rolled rares or uniques and are comfortable with high-risk crafting, Ancient Orbs can offer potentially game-changing improvements.
  • For players wanting guaranteed upgrades: If you prefer safer and more controlled crafting, Regal Fragments are a great choice for steadily improving your gear.
  • Consider specific item needs: Analyze the potential benefits of upgrading tiers vs. rerolling specific modifiers on your target item.
  • Market value: Check the current prices of both currencies to decide where you get the most value for your Expedition rewards.

Beyond the obvious:

  • Combine both: Use Regal Fragments to reach a higher tier first, then use an Ancient Orb for a chance at even greater potential.
  • Consider other Expedition rewards: Don’t neglect valuable items like Scarabs, Catalysts, and Gwennen’s Whetstones, which can offer significant benefits for crafting and character progression.

Ultimately, the choice between Ancient Orbs and Regal Fragments depends on your individual goals and risk tolerance. Experiment, analyze your results, and adapt your approach as needed to maximize your gains from Expedition and craft your ideal gear. Happy looting!

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