Ea FC 24 Best Kits

Determining the absolute “best” kits in EA FC 24 is subjective and depends on individual preferences. However, some factors contribute to a kit’s perceived value and desirability:

  • Aesthetics: Color combinations, design patterns, and overall visual appeal are crucial factors.
  • Rarity: Limited-edition kits or those obtained through specific challenges can hold higher value due to their exclusivity.
  • Team Popularity: Kits belonging to popular clubs with large fan bases often see increased demand.

Here are some approaches to consider when identifying “best” kits in EA FC 24:

Unique Designs:

  • Limited Edition Kits: Special releases throughout the season might feature unique designs or collaborations with renowned brands.
  • Classic Kits: Certain historic or iconic club kits can be highly sought-after due to their nostalgic value.

Community Reviews:

  • Online forums and social media communities often discuss and share opinions on the most visually appealing kits.
  • Content creators like YouTubers might showcase interesting or unique kits in their gameplay videos.

Examples of Popular Kits:

  • Aberdeen (Away): This bold red and black checkered design has received acclaim for its unique aesthetic.
  • Frosinone (Home): This striking orange home kit stands out visually and is considered rare due to the team’s league.
  • Any Special Edition or Player-Designed Kits: These often feature unique designs and potentially hold higher value due to their exclusivity.

Additional Tips:

  • Explore different sources: Utilize the in-game store, transfer market, and online communities to discover various kits.
  • Consider club allegiances: If you’re a fan of a specific club, their kit might hold personal value for you.
  • Look for kit combinations: Experiment with different home and away kits to create visually appealing combinations for your team.


  • Kit availability can fluctuate throughout the game’s cycle. Special edition kits might only be available for a limited time.
  • Market trends and player preferences can influence the perceived value of a particular kit.

By considering these factors and exploring the available options, you can identify kits that align with your aesthetic preferences and potentially hold value in EA FC 24. Remember, the “best” kit ultimately comes down to your individual taste and in-game goals.

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