Do I need to play PoE 1 to play PoE2?

Technically, you don’t need to play Path of Exile 1 before diving into Path of Exile 2. However, whether you should play PoE 1 first depends on what you value in your gaming experience:

Arguments for playing PoE 1 first:

  • Deeper understanding of the lore and world: PoE 2 is a direct sequel, directly following the events of PoE 1. Playing the first game will give you a much richer understanding of the world, the characters, and the ongoing conflicts.
  • Greater appreciation for returning characters and references: Many important characters and events from PoE 1 carry over to PoE 2. While PoE 2 recaps important information, understanding the original context enhances the emotional impact and engagement.
  • Enhanced gameplay experience: While PoE 2 has improved mechanics and systems, PoE 1 can still be a valuable learning experience. Familiarizing yourself with the core gameplay loop and build systems in PoE 1 can make starting PoE 2 smoother.

Arguments for starting with PoE 2:

  • More modern experience: PoE 2 has received various improvements and optimizations over PoE 1, offering a more streamlined and polished gameplay experience.
  • Independent story: While connections exist, PoE 2 generally tells a self-contained story, allowing you to enjoy it without prior knowledge.
  • Time constraints: If you have limited time or prefer jumping straight into the latest content, starting with PoE 2 is perfectly viable.

Ultimately, the decision is yours!

Here are some suggestions based on your preferences:

  • Lore enthusiast: Playing PoE 1 first is highly recommended.
  • New to the franchise: Start with PoE 2, but consider watching summaries or lore videos for PoE 1.
  • Limited time: PoE 2 is a good starting point, but be prepared for some references you might not fully understand.

I hope this helps!

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