Diablo 4 Wildlife

D4 Wildlife

This is a large Monster Family consisting of bears, thorned beasts that shoot pine needles, tuscan chargers, and wildwood (trees that can attack). They hang out in Scosglen, but some are known to venture out towards Fractured Peaks.

None of the Wildlife Family have any special abilities, they are just naturally dangerous and deal lots of damage each hit. Wildlife does not play around.

Common Item Drops: Chests, Crossbows

Challenge: Endangered Species

Name Description Rewards
Endangered Species Kill one of each wildlife listed below.
Crab, Donkey, Egret, Fox, Brown Goat, Black Goat, White Goat, Horse, Meerkat, Large Pit, Small Pig, Raven, Seagull, Fawn, Grey Doe, Brown Doe, Stag, Scosglen Cow, Dry Steppes Cow, Brown Chicken, Brown Rooster, Rooster, White Chicken, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep
Avid, Hunter(Player Titles)

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Related Elixir

Name Requires Description
Elixir of Beast-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Spiders, Wildlife, Maggots, Snakes, and Werewolves by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Demon-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Goatmen, Fallen, Flies, and Demons by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Man-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Cannibals, Bandits, Knights Penitent, and Cultists by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Undead-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Vampires, Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts, and Drowned by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.

You may only have one Elixir active at a time.

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