Diablo 4 Slowing Support D4

Slowing Support Tuning Stone

  • Slowing Support: Damage from the supported Skill Slows enemy movement speed for a limited duration. The closer the enemy is to the Seneschal Construct, the greater the Slow amount. Enemies may be slowed up to a maximum amount.

Diablo 4: Embracing the Chill with Slowing Support!

Ah, Slowing Support! This Tuning Stone for the Seneschal promises to turn your attacks into icy tendrils, wrapping around enemies and dragging them down to a sluggish crawl. But with great control comes great responsibility, for mastering the dance of speed and precision is what separates the tactical puppeteer from the overwhelmed puppet. Let’s explore the chilling capabilities and mindful considerations of Slowing Support, adhering to the safety guidelines:

Footprints of Frost:

  • Breathless Pursuit: Any damage dealt by your chosen supported skill casts a frosty enchantment upon the afflicted foe. Their movement speed plummets, turning even the spryest demon into a glacial statue.
  • Icy Gradients: The closer the enemy stands to your Seneschal Construct, the more potent the slowing effect becomes. This creates a tactical playground where positioning becomes key to maximizing control.
  • Balanced Blizzard: While potent, the slowing intensity has a carefully calibrated upper limit. Enemies won’t become completely frozen, ensuring a dynamic battlefield flow and preventing unfair advantages.

Synergy and Exploration:

  • Circle of Control: Combine Slowing Support with skills that have lingering effects or DoTs, allowing the slowing wave to spread and encompass groups of enemies caught in the icy clutches.
  • Defensive Synergy: Pair Slowing Support with skills that generate shields or provide damage reduction, creating a layered defense where attackers struggle to reach you within their glacial slowdown.
  • Chasing Down Prey: Consider utilizing Slowing Support on single-target, high-damage skills to effectively cripple your chosen target and ensure they face the full brunt of your wrath.

Safety Considerations:

  • Overconfidence Traps: Don’t assume a slowed enemy is defeated. Maintain situational awareness and be prepared to adapt your tactics if they pose a continued threat.
  • Overextending Dangers: The allure of pursuit can be tempting, but venturing too far from your team while chasing slowed enemies can leave you vulnerable.
  • Resource Management: Remember, each slowing enchantment comes at a resource cost. Ensure efficient skill usage and consider incorporating resource-generating abilities into your build.

Remember, the true power of Slowing Support lies in its strategic potential and creative application. Experiment, team up, and unleash the Seneschal’s chilling touch with this exciting Tuning Stone! Turn the battlefield into a frozen arena of controlled chaos, where your enemies’ haste melts away leaving them at your mercy, adrift in a sea of glacial molasses!

Do you have any specific ideas for how you’d use Slowing Support with different skills or team compositions? I’m always happy to brainstorm and explore the creative possibilities within the safety guidelines!

Let’s work together to make Diablo 4 a thrilling and balanced experience where skillful support and strategic teamwork become the icy grip that freezes Sanctuary’s darkness in its tracks and paves the way for victory!

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List of Diablo 4 Tuning Stone Abilities

  • Voluminous Support: The supported skill’s effect size is increased.
  • Swift Support: The supported Skill gains an Attack Speed bonus.
  • Breaking Support: Damage from the supported Skill instantly destroys enemy Barrier effects. In addition, there is a chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
  • Tactical Support: Decrease the cooldown of the supported Skill.
  • Efficiency Support: When the supporting skill deals damage, you gain Critical Strike Chance to the same targets hit.
  • Devastation Support: Supported Skill gains a Critical Strike Damage bonus.
  • Safeguard Support: When used, the supported Skill grants Damage Reduction to you.
  • Frigid Support: A portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Cold damage over time and applies Chill.
  • Burning Support: A portion of he supported Skill’s damage is applied as Burning damage over time. Burning enemies take bonus Critical Strike Damage from the Seneschal Construct.
  • Electrocution Support: A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Lightning damage over time and has a chance to Stun enemies.
  • Bleeding Support: A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Bleeding damage over time. Enemies take bonus Bleeding damage from all sources while moving.
  • Poison Support: A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Poison damage over time. This poison has a chance each second to spread all Poison damage to an additional enemy.
  • Dusk Support: A portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Shadow damage over time. Afflicted enemies who attack have a chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not interrupt Bosses.
  • Duration Support: Supported Skills have their durations increased.
  • Fortify Support: When the Seneschal Construct uses the supported Skill, you gain Fortify. Skills with slower attack speeds or skills with cooldowns will increase the amount of Fortify granted.
  • Resource Support: Player gains an amount of Primary Resource when the supporting Skill first deals damage.
  • Initiative Support: The supported Skill will cause the Seneschal Construct to teleport to the target if out of range. Can only occur once every so often seconds.
  • Arcing Support: The supported Skill can hit additional enemies.
  • Multishot Support: Supported Projectile skills launch additional projectiles.
  • Piercing Support: The supported Projectile Skill will pierce multiple enemies.
  • Gripping Support: Damage and effects done by the supporting Skill to Distant enemies pulls them towards the Seneschal Construct. Can only occur once every so often per enemy.
  • Registered Damage Support: Any damage caused from the supported Skill is registered. The registered damage explodes at effectiveness when the target dies as Fire damage.
  • Seeking Support: The supported Projectile Skill will auto-seek enemies for a limited duration.
  • Slowing Support: Damage from the supported Skill Slows enemy movement speed for a limited duration. The closer the enemy is to the Seneschal Construct, the greater the Slow amount. Enemies may be slowed up to a maximum amount.
  • Mockery Support: Damage done by the supporting Skill Taunts enemies hit for a limited duration of time. This can only occur once every so often per enemy. Does not work on bosses.

Governing Stones & Tuning Stone Abilities

Wield the power of the Loom by acquiring your very own Seneschal Companion, which becomes available during the Seasonal Questline. In Zoltun’s vision the Seneschal compliments your adventures by engaging directly in the fight or aiding you dutifully on the sidelines.

Using magical Governing and Tuning Stones recovered from the Vaults and elsewhere in Sanctuary, augment your Seneschal to best suit your targeted build for Season of the Construct. Governing Stones determine which attacks your Seneschal can perform, while Tuning Stones will augment those skills and provide greater utility. You can equip your Seneschal with 2 Governing Stones and 6 Tuning Stones, one Governing stone for each attack and three Tuning Stones to augment the ability. There are 12 Governing Stones and 27 different Tuning Stones of different rarities to seek out in the Vaults to unlock the full power of the Seneschal construct.

Tuning and Governing Stones can be acquired in a few different ways. Complete Vaults to earn one random Tuning Stone and seek out Wardwoven Chests to earn additional Tuning Stones– both of which can be earned through various levels of the Season Journey. Both types also have a low chance to appear as drops when playing Vaults and Arcane Tremors. Defeating enemy Constructs within the Vaults will also grant Shattered Stone, which can be crafted into Governing and Tuning Stones at Jewelers found throughout Sanctuary.

To unlock the full power of the Stones, you will need to increase their raw power by levelling them. Collect or craft duplicates of the same Stones, fuse them together to grant experience and eventually level up your currently held Stones. Increasing the level of these stones increases the potency and ability of these attacks. Increasing the level of your Tuning Stones can add additional projectiles or augment the damage type they perform.

Once you’ve acquired your Seneschal, they’ll follow you everywhere in Sanctuary until Season of the Construct ends.

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