Diablo 4 Seal of the Blooded


As your score increases, so does your rank within Trials. Your final score can earn you Seals—the mark of your prowess in the Gauntlet for that week. Earning Seals proves your mastery to fellow wanderers. There are four ranks of Seals to earn:

  • Seal of the Blooded
  • Seal of the Steadfast
  • Seal of the Iron-Willed
  • Seal of the Worthy

The Seal of the Blooded is what most of you will strive to earn first, while the Seal of the Worthy will only be granted to those who have dedicated themselves to absolute bloodlust in the Gauntlet. The score needed to earn each Seal will vary week by week, depending on the layout of the Gauntlet and the class you’re playing. These scores scale with Party size: larger groups will have an easier time earning a higher score than solo players and will be tracked in a separate Ladder Leaderboard.

It will take some sweat to reach the highest Seals—do not expect a feeble showing to rank you among the greats.

The Seal of the Blooded in Diablo 4

The Seal of the Blooded is the lowest tier Seal awarded in Diablo 4’s Gauntlet challenge dungeon. It signifies your basic competency in tackling the weekly challenge.

Key Points:

  • Easiest to acquire: Designed to be achievable for most players.
  • Marks basic mastery: Earning it demonstrates you understand the Gauntlet’s core mechanics.
  • Score requirement varies: The specific score needed changes weekly based on factors like:
    • Gauntlet layout: Different layouts present unique challenges, affecting difficulty.
    • Character class: Different classes have varying strengths and weaknesses in the Gauntlet.
  • Party size matters: Larger groups have an easier time achieving higher scores compared to solo players. Separate leaderboards track their progress.
  • Higher tiers demand more: Earning higher-level Seals like the Seal of the Worthy requires significantly greater skill and dedication.

Overall, the Seal of the Blooded serves as a stepping stone for players venturing into the Gauntlet. It’s a badge of honor indicating you’ve conquered the basic challenges and are ready to progress towards more demanding feats.

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