Diablo 4 PvP Leaderboards

List of D4 PvP Leaderboards

# Name Class Build Skills
1 AwP (1892 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement
2 Dellythrix (1518 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Iron Skin, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, Steel Grasp
3 Gabe (1352 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
4 Quietsy (1326 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
5 Jr (1010 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Lightning Storm, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
6 Nopsyx (1001 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone
7 ScuberSteve (982 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
8 Cruxe (953 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage, Trample, Earthen Bulwark
9 Snowden (890 player kills) Necromancer Decompose, Bone Spear, Raise Skeleton, Golem, Decrepify, Army of the Dead
10 WQWeng (884 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement, Concealment, Shadow Step
11 Babypuke (862 player kills) Barbarian Iron Skin, Lunging Strike, Steel Grasp, Challenging Shout, Double Swing, Rallying Cry
12 Arnie (782 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
13 Uberjager (772 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Dash
14 Coach (766 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud
15 Burken (746 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Charge, Leap, Kick, Wrath of the Berserker
16 전쟁의신 (741 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
17 DroP (726 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
18 Fenway (669 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker, War Cry, Rallying Cry
19 Hatul (644 player kills) Sorcerer Firewall, Inferno, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
20 TheThickness (632 player kills) Barbarian Kick, Lunging Strike, Steel Grasp, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry
21 RpJ (604 player kills) Rogue Smoke Grenade, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Clone, Poison Imbuement
22 Knotka (603 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Death Trap
23 Nimrod (588 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Poison Imbuement
24 Ohnslaught (582 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Poison Imbuement
25 GRAND (579 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
26 Tmy (577 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Meteor, Teleport, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
27 Kratös (576 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage, Earthen Bulwark
28 Dumpydumplin (561 player kills) Druid Wind Shear, Lightning Storm, Earthen Bulwark, Wolves, Ravens, Grizzly Rage
29 Barbar (537 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
30 Abby (536 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
31 司締 (533 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Clone, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement
32 aPoorDiet (527 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Double Swing, Rallying Cry, Iron Skin, Call of the Ancients, Death Blow
33 风满楼 (522 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
34 Barbara (507 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
35 Scythe (502 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Rapid Fire, Dash, Shadow Step, Smoke Grenade, Shadow Imbuement
36 Salt (496 player kills) Rogue Flurry, Concealment, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone
37 Seline (490 player kills) Sorcerer Fireball, Hydra, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
38 暗黑中年人 (484 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
39 Donya (480 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Landslide, Earthen Bulwark, Cyclone Armor, Trample, Hurricane
40 Fabi (479 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
41 Bersanchik (475 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
42 Tyraes (474 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Nova, Ice Shards, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Inferno
43 CleverCorvax (457 player kills) Necromancer Bone Spear, Bone Prison, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Storm
44 MBT (448 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
45 Yuumi (435 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Chain Lightning, Teleport, Hydra, Ice Armor, Unstable Currents
46 Sabziger (433 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Dash, Concealment, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone
47 신 (428 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dark Shroud, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step
48 데스쇼우 (422 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
49 Forti (414 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Shadow Clone
50 Magician (413 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
51 Est (413 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Teleport
52 porc (401 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Decrepify, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils
53 Battlepass (400 player kills) Barbarian
54 Drogo (395 player kills) Barbarian
55 Kernel (395 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry
56 Cahir (394 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
57 Gacou (380 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
58 김홍민 (380 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Shadow Imbuement
59 Scelus (376 player kills) Rogue Shadow Step, Twisting Blades, Puncture, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash
60 Brenga (375 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
61 dinget (374 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Firewall, Frost Nova, Inferno, Ice Armor, Teleport
62 Predict (372 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Concealment, Poison Trap, Death Trap
63 Liliana (369 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Shadow Clone
64 꼼냐 (366 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
65 Moreina (363 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash
66 Art (362 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Wrath of the Berserker, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
67 Elf (362 player kills) Sorcerer
68 Lumbago (358 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
69 티리엘 (355 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin, Wrath of the Berserker
70 heyBasik (355 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Deep Freeze
71 Penta (351 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
72 benT (350 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Teleport, Deep Freeze
73 Jal (348 player kills) Sorcerer
74 Wizard (348 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Teleport, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
75 Guli (348 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
76 Hayku (343 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Shadow Imbuement
77 Godrick (343 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
78 Finter (341 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Decrepify, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm, Blood Mist
79 도적왕김스테 (340 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Concealment
80 Shorty (338 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
81 야만 (337 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
82 MrLlamaSC (334 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
83 Mykindos (334 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud, Shadow Imbuement
84 KlapopjeKOP (333 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Leap
85 Numroth (330 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Double Swing, Iron Skin, Charge, Leap, Hammer of the Ancients
86 쌉뀨 (329 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
87 Celebornn (328 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
88 akaSalad (328 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
89 Steinbjørn (325 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze, Ice Armor, Teleport
90 Ophelia (322 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement, Dash, Concealment
91 Manilu (318 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ice Armor, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
92 Choogar (317 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
93 JamesBong (313 player kills) Sorcerer Inferno, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
94 Sheng (310 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement
95 Gnusnas (308 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Storm, Bone Prison
96 야만원툴 (307 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
97 너구리 (306 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
98 Smull (304 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud
99 JuHGaNoMeTrY (302 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
100 Vulture (302 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Storm, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Corpse Explosion, Iron Maiden
101 Winri (301 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
102 SeïgneurFox (298 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Trample, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage
103 Skoll (298 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Inferno
104 MrCrapouli (296 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Flame Shield
105 Heffer (295 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport
106 DaddyBlades (294 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Shadow Clone
107 BonkusPrime (290 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin, Wrath of the Berserker
108 Tabisnotpot (288 player kills) Barbarian
109 Coco (288 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
110 AnotherOne (287 player kills) Druid
111 Shayde (286 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud
112 Pispita (285 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
113 Celiss (284 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Inferno, Teleport
114 Geralt (281 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Inferno
115 Gonda (281 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Iron Skin, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry
116 Kazey (279 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Shadow Step, Dash
117 Whiskas (278 player kills) Rogue
118 BarbZora (277 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
119 Uzra (276 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
120 Sevaer (273 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Landslide, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
121 Dro (271 player kills) Druid Maul, Pulverize, Trample, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
122 CheongMin (268 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
123 Taji (267 player kills) Barbarian
124 Hyve (267 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
125 KallTorak (263 player kills) Barbarian Wrath of the Berserker, Whirlwind, Lunging Strike, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
126 ErgoSiphon (262 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
127 QSyndrom (261 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
128 Kira (261 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement
129 Clemantis (259 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
130 Nerdwards (256 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport, Unstable Currents, Flame Shield
131 Rob (256 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
132 iREKTem (254 player kills) Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients, Lunging Strike, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Ground Stomp
133 Koxinga (253 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
134 cMoney (252 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Teleport, Unstable Currents, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
135 ZDawG (251 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Ice Shards
136 BASEDGOD (250 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
137 Chad (246 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Hammer of the Ancients, Leap, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Death Blow
138 Nick (246 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
139 Hobyaka (246 player kills) Barbarian
140 Cheeser (245 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Dash
141 emezer (245 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap
142 Kazem (245 player kills) Rogue Dark Shroud, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Clone
143 NuttBuggie (244 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Concealment, Dash, Cold Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement
144 Kohkane (243 player kills) Druid
145 Fei (238 player kills) Druid Claw, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Debilitating Roar, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
146 Shawlkzer (237 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
147 UnSouvenir (237 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Puncture, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step, Dash, Twisting Blades
148 RivKyiR (236 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Cold Imbuement, Shadow Step, Dash, Concealment
149 ElonMusk (235 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Blood Surge, Attack, Raise Skeleton, Corpse Tendrils, Iron Maiden
150 xPandaballz (234 player kills) Sorcerer Fire Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
151 BearMarket (234 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Trample, Grizzly Rage, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark
152 Tante (233 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
153 Skarlet (232 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Inferno, Teleport, Frost Nova, Firewall, Flame Shield
154 Osgorath (232 player kills) Druid Claw, Shred, Debilitating Roar, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
155 MarGG (232 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Storm
156 Coco (232 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
157 Touken (232 player kills) Rogue
158 Ataliah (231 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Death Trap
159 Yaseen (231 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Shadow Step
160 Amira (231 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement, Rain of Arrows
161 TimeZzToKiLL (231 player kills) Rogue
162 swurta (231 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Death Trap, Poison Trap
163 Melodia (230 player kills) Barbarian
164 beemo (230 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Concealment, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
165 三刀流一百三情飞龙侍极 (229 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
166 Baka (228 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
167 Victoria (226 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
168 AchillesDW (224 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
169 Theloon (222 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
170 Inev (220 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Teleport, Deep Freeze, Frost Nova, Ice Armor
171 Speedyy (217 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Rupture, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin, Wrath of the Berserker, Steel Grasp
172 BucKz (217 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
173 Vex (216 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Nova, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze
174 탑블레이드 (214 player kills) Barbarian
175 Zero (213 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone, Shadow Step, Dash
176 Vilharn (212 player kills) Barbarian Attack, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
177 Lightsaber (212 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap, Shadow Step
178 TTVvosvor (212 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ball Lightning, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
179 Inflar (207 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
180 Zamza (207 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
181 Karina (205 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Cold Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement, Concealment, Shadow Step
182 Carrie (205 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
183 Nellzyn (205 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
184 Spiffy (205 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
185 Enigmz (204 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
186 BobLeBalez (204 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin
187 순사장 (203 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
188 지금절막만지셨잖아요 (203 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
189 Anduu (203 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
190 Shaxx (203 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
191 Klz (203 player kills) Barbarian
192 Carnage (202 player kills) Druid
193 프로피 (201 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Concealment, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement
194 호나인 (200 player kills) Barbarian
195 iGRO (200 player kills) Rogue Forceful Arrow, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
196 Iris (200 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
197 Sinafotsira (199 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
198 Middna (198 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Teleport
199 Miu (198 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
200 Nauwyn (198 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dark Shroud
201 Darforce (196 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
202 Goat (196 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport
203 DS (196 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Meteor, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
204 MonkeyInsane (195 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport, Unstable Currents
205 Moral (194 player kills) Necromancer Golem, Blood Mist, Decrepify, Blight, Bone Storm, Corpse Tendrils
206 Rollo (193 player kills) Barbarian
207 atoforiveSor (193 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ball Lightning, Teleport, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents, Flame Shield
208 DovahtiK (192 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
209 Waitingroom (192 player kills) Rogue Poison Trap, Twisting Blades, Puncture, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
210 Nemesis (191 player kills) Rogue
211 Noah (191 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Trample, Grizzly Rage
212 Singur (191 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap
213 피트 (189 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Poison Creeper, Wolves, Ravens
214 Drew (189 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
215 RudaBaba (188 player kills) Barbarian
216 zhBarbarian (188 player kills) Barbarian
217 Zoro (188 player kills) Necromancer Blood Mist, Bone Storm, Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Prison, Corpse Tendrils
218 whoosa (187 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
219 rueric (187 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
220 Spawneh (187 player kills) Barbarian
221 Luska (187 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
222 亡靈內褲 (187 player kills) Rogue
223 Darksyde (186 player kills) Rogue
224 Charlotte (185 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement
225 Akkadia (184 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Hurricane, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage
226 JahIthBer (183 player kills) Barbarian
227 Gazz (183 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin
228 Draelin (182 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
229 Death (181 player kills) Sorcerer Spark, Chain Lightning, Lightning Spear, Flame Shield, Teleport, Unstable Currents
230 Fixter (181 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Blood Howl, Grizzly Rage
231 yikes (178 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
232 Desoteric (178 player kills) Rogue
233 싸이먼 (177 player kills) Sorcerer Fire Bolt, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
234 Naze (177 player kills) Rogue Invigorating Strike, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone, Concealment
235 Savage (177 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
236 Intrepid (176 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
237 VanEvery (176 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
238 IsThatTony (175 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
239 Form (174 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport, Unstable Currents
240 Adopt (174 player kills) Barbarian Iron Skin, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
241 Chronic (173 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
242 Retromancer (173 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Sever, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Decrepify
243 Zymmyraz (173 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Dash, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
244 CanTGeTRighT (173 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
245 TheMage (173 player kills) Sorcerer
246 EnvyMe (172 player kills) Barbarian
247 Neshan (172 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova
248 Bloodymary (172 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
249 OP (171 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Leap, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
250 Asmodeus (171 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Death Trap
251 Old (170 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Grizzly Rage, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Blood Howl
252 HyperKlaus (170 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Shadow Step
253 胡萝卜 (170 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Deep Freeze
254 ScffdTV (169 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone, Dash, Poison Imbuement
255 SadCatto (169 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Death Blow, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
256 Maguvek (169 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
257 浅浅 (169 player kills) Barbarian
258 초밥 (168 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
259 Apatosan (168 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step, Dash
260 Kilo (168 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Nova, Blizzard, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Arc Lash
261 纳命来 (168 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Steel Grasp, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
262 Hellvor (167 player kills) Barbarian
263 JukeS (167 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Unstable Currents
264 Xakbik (166 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Corpse Explosion, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils
265 杏杞 (166 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
266 Protection (166 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
267 Bobo (166 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Rapid Fire, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Shadow Imbuement
268 Chiyo (166 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap, Concealment, Shadow Step
269 unstoppable (165 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze
270 qt (165 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Blizzard, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Teleport, Deep Freeze
271 Kedhran (165 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
272 Omni (165 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
273 Sushi (164 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova
274 sparcky (164 player kills) Rogue
275 GrosDur (164 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
276 Smah (164 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud
277 Jahjahgoboom (164 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
278 AetnaPyralis (163 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ball Lightning, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
279 Fonny (163 player kills) Rogue
280 Mysterious (162 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
281 TadBandy (162 player kills) Necromancer Bone Spear, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Prison, Bone Storm
282 LBGTqo (162 player kills) Rogue Forceful Arrow, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement, Dash
283 Xes (161 player kills) Sorcerer Unstable Currents, Teleport, Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
284 Zonda (161 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Cold Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud
285 Moose (161 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement
286 Tapir (161 player kills) Rogue
287 Refuuh (161 player kills) Sorcerer
288 HADES (160 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
289 grate (160 player kills) Rogue
290 KeyserSoze (159 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap, Death Trap
291 스팸마요덮밥 (159 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Concealment, Dash, Cold Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
292 Haldahn (159 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
293 Joseph (159 player kills) Sorcerer
294 PoundMyVag (158 player kills) Rogue
295 Tim (158 player kills) Rogue
296 Visenya (158 player kills) Rogue
297 Oxy (157 player kills) Barbarian
298 Empyrian (157 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze
299 Windforce (156 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Clone
300 Out (156 player kills) Sorcerer Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
301 wby (155 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone, Dash, Poison Trap
302 준벙맨 (155 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage, Trample
303 Keven (155 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Lightning Spear, Ball Lightning, Unstable Currents, Charged Bolts
304 Jade (155 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
305 Palabre (155 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Meteor, Flame Shield, Teleport
306 DADDY (155 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
307 ChibyQT (154 player kills) Barbarian Ground Stomp, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
308 Apple (154 player kills) Barbarian Iron Skin, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
309 DonTheCrown (153 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Rallying Cry, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Kick
310 Kurt (153 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
311 Stryver (153 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
312 ScottTheThot (152 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap
313 SpoireTTV (152 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
314 Reaper (152 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Smoke Grenade, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement
315 Juggalo (151 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
316 Sheine (151 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
317 BednaR (150 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
318 Faithless (149 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry
319 StinkyRat (149 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
320 First (149 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
321 Mauline (149 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Dash, Poison Trap
322 Kosi (149 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
323 FreeDoomjke (149 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport
324 Mize (148 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
325 Azshara (148 player kills) Sorcerer Fire Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor
326 BhadBhabuino (147 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Double Swing, Ground Stomp, Iron Skin, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
327 Gul (147 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
328 PunishDaWeak (147 player kills) Rogue
329 Komisola (147 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap
330 Xeno (146 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
331 Nroks (146 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Challenging Shout, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
332 Gazz (146 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Call of the Ancients
333 Mike (146 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
334 BigZef (146 player kills) Barbarian Wrath of the Berserker, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Lunging Strike
335 Rengar (145 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Flame Shield
336 Rem (145 player kills) Rogue
337 Nereyza (144 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Step, Dash, Cold Imbuement, Smoke Grenade
338 Portablez (144 player kills) Sorcerer
339 Possede (144 player kills) Sorcerer
340 passi (144 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Dash
341 Simplink (144 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
342 Olemand (144 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
343 Qordes (144 player kills) Rogue
344 Ryzz (144 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Hurricane, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
345 TREN (143 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
346 Luna (143 player kills) Sorcerer
347 Denta (143 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Charged Bolts, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor
348 灵魂复苏 (143 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
349 Rogita (143 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
350 Eight (142 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Charged Bolts, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
351 Shrike (142 player kills) Rogue
352 Bloodlust (142 player kills) Barbarian War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker, Iron Skin, Whirlwind
353 Lucy (142 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Smoke Grenade, Death Trap, Poison Trap
354 Serenthia (141 player kills) Rogue
355 eXodoT (141 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry
356 blink (141 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Shadow Step, Rain of Arrows
357 Read (141 player kills) Rogue
358 HuTTy (141 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
359 Tsyuko (140 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry
360 Rizzington (139 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry
361 Glenju (139 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Shadow Step, Dash
362 Triamera (139 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Shadow Step
363 Beorn (137 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Landslide
364 Izanagi (137 player kills) Sorcerer
365 Xisira (136 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
366 Cimik (136 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Imbuement, Death Trap
367 Puma (135 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
368 domerz (135 player kills) Rogue
369 Des (135 player kills) Rogue
370 Côôkie (134 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Attack, Bone Storm
371 Nhexx (134 player kills) Rogue
372 Smex (134 player kills) Barbarian
373 Mehanix (134 player kills) Rogue
374 Blaqjack (134 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
375 iddqd (133 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Landslide, Earthen Bulwark, Hurricane, Trample, Petrify
376 坦克輾死人 (133 player kills) Sorcerer Inferno, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
377 Jlucks (133 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
378 Macwin (133 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
379 Drood (133 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Lightning Storm, Grizzly Rage, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane
380 NotYennifer (132 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Blizzard, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport
381 Wyzeed (132 player kills) Barbarian
382 Contradict (131 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
383 Vulcan (131 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Unstable Currents
384 GoatJuan (131 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Inferno
385 Dea (130 player kills) Sorcerer
386 Ven (130 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport, Meteor, Flame Shield
387 KanyeWest (129 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
388 奧巴馬 (129 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
389 Cakepriest (129 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Attack
390 effective (129 player kills) Barbarian Iron Skin, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
391 OPSEC (129 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash
392 TwoToes (129 player kills) Sorcerer
393 Oldsport (128 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Shadow Step
394 Crixus (128 player kills) Barbarian
395 Falstaff (127 player kills) Necromancer Bone Storm, Bone Splinters, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Prison, Bone Spirit, Blood Mist
396 JorDani (127 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
397 Eivor (127 player kills) Barbarian
398 보보대디 (126 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
399 TheKonus (126 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Attack, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
400 Untenhaarig (126 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
401 Lunia (126 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Bone Spear, Iron Maiden, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm, Blood Mist
402 战斗一族 (125 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
403 kalero (125 player kills) Barbarian Ground Stomp, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
404 Nero (125 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
405 Big (125 player kills) Barbarian
406 vvf (125 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
407 얼음 (125 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Inferno, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
408 Lylla (124 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Step, Dash
409 Azzure (123 player kills) Rogue
410 Toxin (123 player kills) Barbarian
411 cumcannon (123 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
412 Mordred (123 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport
413 Severus (123 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Blizzard, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
414 Roo (123 player kills) Rogue Death Trap, Puncture, Smoke Grenade, Poison Trap, Penetrating Shot, Poison Imbuement
415 Demon (123 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
416 Ilithia (122 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
417 ROFLMYWAFFLE (122 player kills) Barbarian
418 Josie (122 player kills) Rogue
419 Amazon (121 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
420 UberGates (121 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
421 SergZTV (121 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
422 Paxelic (121 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Dark Shroud, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
423 Gikanika (121 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
424 JonLynchTv (121 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
425 MissChievous (120 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud, Shadow Imbuement
426 Castor (120 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Charged Bolts, Ice Blades, Lightning Spear, Teleport, Deep Freeze
427 PocketMonstR (120 player kills) Druid
428 Radde (120 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Teleport, Lightning Spear, Ice Blades, Frost Nova
429 Matix (120 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
430 Witcher (120 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Rend, Iron Skin, Rallying Cry, Rupture, Call of the Ancients
431 Drama (120 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Step, Cold Imbuement, Caltrops, Death Trap
432 wudijo (120 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
433 大侠 (120 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Hammer of the Ancients
434 Raaka (120 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Unstable Currents
435 Bristonian (119 player kills) Rogue
436 TROLHAX (119 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin, Wrath of the Berserker
437 Dorgirls (119 player kills) Barbarian
438 smurfie (118 player kills) Barbarian
439 Bane (118 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone
440 Siegfurd (118 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
441 ItsMaam (117 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
442 jigsaw (117 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
443 Ertisorc (117 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
444 Yoshi (117 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
445 Gaelo (117 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
446 Легатус (116 player kills) Barbarian
447 꿔바로우 (116 player kills) Rogue
448 Frostbolt (116 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Ice Shards
449 Piggie (116 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Hammer of the Ancients
450 KonaTilKåre (116 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Meteor, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova
451 Tharkum (116 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Firewall, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport, Inferno
452 Vile (115 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
453 불칸 (115 player kills) Barbarian
454 CornerBoy (115 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
455 Hoony (115 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
456 Ez (115 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
457 NED (115 player kills) Druid Shred, Claw, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage
458 pombarb (115 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Steel Grasp, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rend
459 Astaroth (115 player kills) Barbarian Wrath of the Berserker, Whirlwind, Iron Skin, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry
460 Nuk (115 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
461 SpinningMonk (115 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
462 트위치보이스큐브 (114 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Smoke Grenade, Shadow Imbuement
463 Agnys (114 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Hurricane, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Grizzly Rage
464 Kratos (114 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
465 Kolmen (114 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
466 Bryan (113 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
467 Kalvaran (113 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
468 CHANDARIAN (113 player kills) Barbarian
469 Spyounnet (113 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
470 RhiRhy (113 player kills) Barbarian
471 wendad (113 player kills) Druid
472 Rose (112 player kills) Necromancer
473 Freyja (112 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud, Shadow Clone
474 LRN (112 player kills) Sorcerer
475 Himothy (112 player kills) Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients, Ground Stomp, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
476 GP (111 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
477 GITAN (111 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
478 Ailisch (111 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
479 死神 (111 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Decrepify, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm, Blood Mist
480 Soren (111 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Trample, Grizzly Rage
481 Nihily (111 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
482 달의미궁 (110 player kills) Rogue
483 Vecas (110 player kills) Sorcerer
484 Chloen (110 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
485 Aelita (110 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
486 Zippo (109 player kills) Druid
487 Paperjuice (109 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
488 chuzi (109 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
489 바바킹 (108 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
490 DrugsBunny (108 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
491 Quickshots (108 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
492 Siren (108 player kills) Sorcerer
493 BeanSlayer (108 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
494 Expire (108 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
495 Raicer (108 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Shadow Step, Dash, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement
496 DiverGente (108 player kills) Sorcerer
497 Hzok (108 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Teleport, Inferno, Frost Nova, Ice Shards
498 Inanna (107 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
499 Keimo (107 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
500 Beans (107 player kills) Rogue
501 Dakota (107 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents, Teleport
502 Leon (107 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
503 Taeyeon (106 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport
504 名子夠長才能吸引你的注意 (106 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
505 Teefs (106 player kills) Druid
506 Jizmak (106 player kills) Barbarian
507 Genovese (106 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Leap
508 Fenrir (106 player kills) Rogue
509 毁灭小护符 (106 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
510 Magic (106 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport
511 damnGou (105 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
512 KoroZ (105 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Trample, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage
513 TrixeN (105 player kills) Sorcerer
514 Melissa (104 player kills) Barbarian
515 [DEAD] Keane (104 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap, Shadow Step, Death Trap
516 Kuro (104 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
517 Oblivinati (103 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor
518 Jetrocketeer (103 player kills) Barbarian Frenzy, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Steel Grasp
519 MagicaDeHex (103 player kills) Necromancer Hemorrhage, Bone Spear, Iron Maiden, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Corpse Explosion
520 Regar (103 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
521 Zero (103 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap
522 Beeckon (102 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Inferno
523 Rod (102 player kills) Barbarian
524 Qzar (102 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud, Shadow Step, Dash
525 GHOST (102 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Frozen Orb, Ice Armor, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
526 SylaR (102 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Death Trap
527 Dragonus (101 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Deep Freeze
528 MagnusTheRed (101 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Trample, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
529 Jymnasium (101 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage, Debilitating Roar, Trample
530 Hybrinity (101 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
531 Sexslave (101 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud
532 raserei (101 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
533 VarsityG (101 player kills) Barbarian
534 DieWurscht (101 player kills) Barbarian
535 Martinbrooks (101 player kills) Sorcerer
536 Adriana (101 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Inferno, Frost Nova
537 秋仲琉璃子不语 (101 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
538 Amaranthya (100 player kills) Sorcerer
539 DullTroll (100 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
540 ExiledMage (100 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
541 Judith (100 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Concealment, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Step
542 FlatSpin (100 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage, Trample, Debilitating Roar
543 op (100 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
544 Steezy (100 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Dark Shroud
545 Midnight (100 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
546 ACSilver (100 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud
547 Ubijza (100 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
548 Dodo (100 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Blood Surge, Bone Storm, Corpse Explosion, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils
549 chewtoyy (99 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor
550 Broly (99 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
551 Brennus (99 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
552 Jaspirow (99 player kills) Rogue
553 Envy (99 player kills) Sorcerer
554 Pottyisback (99 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor
555 LikeThreeSix (99 player kills) Rogue
556 Ajino (99 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Concealment, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement
557 Galdorqt (98 player kills) Barbarian
558 Giraffe (98 player kills) Rogue
559 Molo (98 player kills) Barbarian Ground Stomp, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
560 WeePiez (98 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
561 KLM (97 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
562 Justi (97 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Death Trap
563 Lipej (97 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Unstable Currents
564 AFKay (97 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
565 Sambow (97 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Dash
566 Anuwen (96 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
567 깅정훙 (96 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
568 Ibi (96 player kills) Sorcerer
569 RambergGGttv (96 player kills) Barbarian Frenzy, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
570 진은검 (95 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash
571 ITSVigilance (95 player kills) Druid
572 HoarahLoux (95 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
573 manager (95 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Blood Mist, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm
574 Zerger (95 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Flame Shield, Teleport
575 Ardy (94 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
576 Spleexz (94 player kills) Barbarian
577 Magni (94 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout
578 Omnic (94 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
579 Vanguards (93 player kills) Sorcerer
580 ShiinaClare (93 player kills) Sorcerer Blizzard, Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova
581 Wolf (93 player kills) Druid
582 TacobellGOD (93 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Flurry, Puncture, Shadow Step, Concealment, Dash
583 Nila (93 player kills) Sorcerer
584 Executie (93 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
585 Youfang (93 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Teleport, Inferno
586 Dasida (93 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Dash, Shadow Step
587 NeKOnomicon (93 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Shadow Imbuement, Dash, Shadow Step
588 Anders (93 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Call of the Ancients
589 masltD (92 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
590 Lotrig (92 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
591 Xeno (92 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Flame Shield
592 토마스통신기 (92 player kills) Sorcerer
593 Nokk (92 player kills) Rogue
594 Hitsu (92 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
595 Kokehv (92 player kills) Barbarian
596 Gadu (92 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Meteor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
597 TEKING (92 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
598 TexTrix (92 player kills) Rogue
599 Dyrr (91 player kills) Necromancer Bone Prison, Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist
600 Xtroy (91 player kills) Sorcerer
601 Sardaukar (91 player kills) Druid
602 EvilPajamas (90 player kills) Barbarian Whirlwind, Lunging Strike, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
603 Shâ (90 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Lightning Storm, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Cyclone Armor, Grizzly Rage
604 crimzerg (90 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap
605 Scornice (90 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Deep Freeze
606 Sorc (90 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze
607 DrDoom (90 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
608 Äf (89 player kills) Sorcerer
609 TuanHung (89 player kills) Rogue
610 Sakristane (89 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
611 UruZenith (89 player kills) Rogue
612 Oriiiontv (88 player kills) Druid Claw, Shred, Blood Howl, Rabies, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage
613 Monge (88 player kills) Sorcerer
614 piedude (88 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Deep Freeze, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
615 Raiden (88 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
616 ethr (88 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
617 Vipress (88 player kills) Rogue
618 Kóka (88 player kills) Rogue
619 Kleomenace (88 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
620 Capoh (88 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
621 Eternos (87 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Dash
622 크레토스 (87 player kills) Barbarian
623 Crayola (87 player kills) Rogue
624 Squash (87 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
625 Haniwa (87 player kills) Rogue
626 welldie (87 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Dash, Death Trap, Shadow Step
627 Balance (87 player kills) Barbarian Charge, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
628 Last (87 player kills) Sorcerer
629 LadyLaybeeuh (87 player kills) Sorcerer
630 Rikki (86 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dash, Death Trap
631 dyNoroX (86 player kills) Sorcerer
632 Jade (86 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Poison Trap, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Rain of Arrows
633 Cornbread (86 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Rend, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Steel Grasp
634 napo (86 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Cyclone Armor, Grizzly Rage
635 Jontek (86 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
636 TaGrogue (86 player kills) Rogue
637 WarSkarz (86 player kills) Druid
638 Yuna (86 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement, Death Trap
639 Ethaias (86 player kills) Rogue
640 Khalathi (86 player kills) Sorcerer Deep Freeze, Ice Shards, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Armor
641 Ingrown (85 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
642 Octopusbread (85 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
643 Ctw (85 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
644 Plaze (85 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
645 Rotog (85 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
646 Acidic (85 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
647 Seoulja (85 player kills) Druid
648 Rio (85 player kills) Rogue
649 DeviWood (85 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap
650 Hurin (85 player kills) Rogue
651 Orzie (85 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
652 Leonas (85 player kills) Barbarian
653 Zakzozen (84 player kills) Barbarian
654 Nagatoz (84 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Leap
655 Ken (84 player kills) Barbarian
656 KSTW (84 player kills) Sorcerer
657 JackHaze (84 player kills) Sorcerer
658 Omyimpro (84 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
659 Baishunpu (84 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Death Trap
660 Rhylla (84 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
661 BigPipe (84 player kills) Rogue
662 Takgoo (83 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
663 스시 (83 player kills) Barbarian
664 BrockChancy (83 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
665 Salt (83 player kills) Rogue
666 Sathenus (83 player kills) Sorcerer Blizzard, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
667 Oboros (83 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
668 Jøsette (83 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Unstable Currents
669 Sakuria (83 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Ice Blades, Teleport, Ice Armor
670 Valyria (83 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Inferno
671 StormCrowBTW (83 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
672 Fart (83 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Meteor, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport, Flame Shield
673 JakePaulFan (83 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dash, Death Trap
674 Caleko (82 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
675 Vorazun (82 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Imbuement, Dash, Concealment, Shadow Clone
676 Niknam (82 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
677 BaM (82 player kills) Sorcerer
678 Spyt (82 player kills) Rogue
679 Altair (82 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud, Shadow Clone
680 Pine (82 player kills) Barbarian
681 Yuki (82 player kills) Rogue
682 Melee (82 player kills) Sorcerer
683 ЕБАНЕСТОР (82 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
684 Yoggzer (81 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
685 여름철 (81 player kills) Rogue
686 Kratos (81 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
687 Raulf (81 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Clone
688 Mattacrator (81 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
689 Lungs (81 player kills) Sorcerer
690 王洪源 (81 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
691 Hafunka (81 player kills) Rogue
692 Alestia (81 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
693 Ogivols (81 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
694 Snaporz (80 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
695 Peskado (80 player kills) Barbarian
696 Iciehawkins (80 player kills) Necromancer Iron Maiden, Bone Spear, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Storm
697 Spiff (80 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
698 Gronlaender (80 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
699 Leanora (80 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Dash, Cold Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Death Trap
700 Arishem (80 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
701 [HC] Marquis (80 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
702 Mitch (80 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
703 사츠 (79 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Step, Concealment
704 성 (79 player kills) Barbarian
705 Papaya (79 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
706 Mara (79 player kills) Sorcerer
707 AstroNute (79 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
708 RalligerRolf (79 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Earthen Bulwark, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
709 Kirito (79 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Imbuement, Death Trap
710 TheBearJewx (79 player kills) Rogue
711 性感的莽哥 (79 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
712 Urlog (79 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Trample, Grizzly Rage, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark
713 Cardinal (78 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker
714 Achara (78 player kills) Sorcerer
715 Burger (78 player kills) Druid
716 Azaea (78 player kills) Sorcerer
717 Ichigo (78 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Iron Maiden, Bone Prison, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm
718 Reirei (78 player kills) Barbarian
719 Wingardium (78 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents, Ice Armor
720 Necrotauren (78 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry
721 Sehara (78 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
722 FlameBard (78 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
723 Seraphi (78 player kills) Sorcerer
724 Amblamps (77 player kills) Barbarian
725 Gator (77 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dash
726 sirputput (77 player kills) Druid
727 Leimone (77 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud
728 Potential (77 player kills) Rogue
729 Drunms (77 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
730 oppai (77 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
731 HerrBaum (77 player kills) Rogue
732 aeg (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
733 斗鱼英雄吕布 (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
734 BABAGO (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
735 Kaseriox (76 player kills) Barbarian
736 Voltage (76 player kills) Sorcerer Unstable Currents, Arc Lash, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Charged Bolts
737 Ghaaland (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
738 DeLaRosie (76 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
739 cyakimanbo (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Whirlwind, War Cry, Challenging Shout
740 Moxsy (76 player kills) Barbarian
741 Masoogi (76 player kills) Rogue
742 iCreaTivE (76 player kills) Barbarian
743 Zeeqah (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout
744 斗鱼深蓝万万岁 (76 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry
745 Sergeles (75 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage, Trample
746 Silverius (75 player kills) Barbarian
747 Cyrah (75 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
748 PulverizeCox (75 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
749 Spankdat (75 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud
750 Vodkajuice (75 player kills) Druid
751 Highst (75 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
752 Donaga (75 player kills) Barbarian Leap, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
753 TaylorRift (75 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Teleport, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
754 alfa (75 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Landslide, Earthen Bulwark, Poison Creeper, Trample, Petrify
755 Steel (75 player kills) Sorcerer
756 Sklirozz (75 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone
757 Slicemen (74 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
758 Veracruz (74 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Corpse Explosion, Blood Mist, Bone Storm
759 Maniac (74 player kills) Barbarian
760 Apophis (74 player kills) Barbarian
761 Burito (74 player kills) Rogue
762 Baeblade (74 player kills) Rogue
763 Pink (74 player kills) Rogue
764 Maeen (74 player kills) Sorcerer
765 [HC] Jon (74 player kills) Barbarian
766 cumuloningus (74 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
767 Luxper (74 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
768 Carlos (74 player kills) Druid Maul, Pulverize, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Poison Creeper, Ravens
769 Harlequin (73 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
770 Troma (73 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Iron Skin, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Call of the Ancients
771 Puntigamer (73 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Death Trap
772 delsouL (73 player kills) Rogue Shadow Clone, Poison Imbuement, Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Smoke Grenade
773 Oggie (73 player kills) Sorcerer Inferno, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Flame Shield
774 Ursine (73 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
775 MPZ (73 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
776 wwBerb (73 player kills) Barbarian
777 questionable (73 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Chain Lightning, Ice Armor, Teleport, Unstable Currents, Lightning Spear
778 Tizzeur (73 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker, War Cry
779 Zik (73 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
780 Velgonia (73 player kills) Rogue Shadow Step, Twisting Blades, Dash, Cold Imbuement, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone
781 MadrePerra (73 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Trample, Cataclysm
782 MadKingD (73 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Teleport, Deep Freeze, Frost Nova
783 Brizz (73 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Death Trap, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Step
784 UDA (73 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Decrepify, Bone Spear, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm
785 Robo (72 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry
786 Ma (72 player kills) Necromancer Army of the Dead, Blood Mist, Raise Skeleton, Corpse Tendrils, Decrepify, Bone Prison
787 BaboonHunter (72 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
788 Slicksorc (72 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Inferno, Teleport, Flame Shield, Frost Nova
789 Kristina (72 player kills) Necromancer Decrepify, Blood Mist, Raise Skeleton, Blood Surge, Golem, Blood Wave
790 Logical (72 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Death Trap
791 [HC] Fatbolado (72 player kills) Necromancer Hemorrhage, Blood Surge, Iron Maiden, Bone Storm, Blood Mist, Golem
792 Raka (72 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Decrepify, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist
793 Theo (72 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Dash, Death Trap, Shadow Step
794 Yggdrasil (72 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage, Wolves
795 Glor (72 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
796 FrostyLatte (72 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
797 SevenGod (72 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ball Lightning, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents, Teleport
798 Nocturnus (72 player kills) Necromancer Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Prison, Blood Mist
799 Twilight (71 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
800 Wynd (71 player kills) Rogue
801 CousinSteve (71 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
802 Brotatoz (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Teleport
803 Rebornhero (71 player kills) Rogue
804 Malice (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Chain Lightning, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
805 Ice (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport
806 Iphigenie (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
807 Carbohydrate (71 player kills) Rogue
808 Casnih (71 player kills) Sorcerer Blizzard, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Arc Lash
809 Nizx (71 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
810 SggExile (71 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze, Frost Nova
811 Sanabella (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents, Hydra, Chain Lightning
812 MountainKing (71 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Hydra, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Unstable Currents
813 Supxr (71 player kills) Barbarian
814 Forsaken (71 player kills) Rogue
815 Ash (70 player kills) Druid
816 Gyomei (70 player kills) Druid
817 Kyrum (70 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
818 Diabu (70 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Flame Shield, Meteor
819 Urek (70 player kills) Druid Shred, Claw, Grizzly Rage, Hurricane, Earthen Bulwark, Blood Howl
820 Lombard (70 player kills) Barbarian
821 Xtom (70 player kills) Rogue
822 CCC (70 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
823 Picklz (69 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Deep Freeze, Ice Armor, Teleport, Ice Shards, Frost Nova
824 Thalachos (69 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
825 서현 (69 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
826 Drachnid (69 player kills) Rogue
827 Vayoo (69 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
828 Deadshxt (69 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Prison, Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm
829 Vallfire (69 player kills) Barbarian
830 Shiroe (69 player kills) Barbarian
831 Diccheese (69 player kills) Barbarian
832 SAUnit (69 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement, Dash, Shadow Step
833 JesuisHumble (69 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
834 SirSefirot (69 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Smoke Grenade, Shadow Clone
835 INAQ (68 player kills) Druid Wind Shear, Tornado, Cyclone Armor, Hurricane, Blood Howl, Grizzly Rage
836 OurFreeBird (68 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Grizzly Rage, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar
837 Spinderella (68 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Iron Skin
838 Lirin (68 player kills) Rogue
839 Harryzlah (68 player kills) Rogue Forceful Arrow, Penetrating Shot, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Dark Shroud, Shadow Imbuement
840 Speexy (68 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, War Cry, Challenging Shout
841 FoolyRandom (68 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
842 Master (68 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry
843 Lasteraar (68 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Teleport, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze
844 Maliken (68 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Penetrating Shot, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Poison Trap, Poison Imbuement
845 Gaharl (68 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Prison, Blood Mist, Decrepify, Bone Storm
846 Zett (68 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Blood Mist, Bone Prison, Corpse Tendrils, Bone Storm
847 Chungus (68 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap, Death Trap
848 Books (68 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
849 nguyenning (67 player kills) Necromancer Reap, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Corpse Explosion, Bone Storm, Blood Mist
850 Altair (67 player kills) Rogue
851 Lip (67 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
852 Chester (67 player kills) Barbarian Bash, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Kick
853 이백원 (67 player kills) Druid
854 jajaja (67 player kills) Druid
855 Xaetis (67 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
856 Rhaenyxias (67 player kills) Sorcerer
857 Slopopotamus (67 player kills) Rogue
858 Dianita (67 player kills) Rogue
859 Gooball (67 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
860 Bongo (67 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
861 Clemysth (67 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dash, Dark Shroud
862 Zenko (67 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Teleport, Deep Freeze
863 Cyber (67 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Twisting Blades
864 Mlinki (67 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport, Frost Nova, Inferno
865 Pheyx (67 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
866 KRAVEN (67 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Deep Freeze
867 Swifty (67 player kills) Rogue
868 Arkana (67 player kills) Rogue
869 anbaaa (67 player kills) Rogue Poison Trap, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Death Trap
870 CitizenXsc (66 player kills) Sorcerer
871 Vox (66 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
872 FanHOTS (66 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Death Trap
873 Jules (66 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
874 NewKeyboard (66 player kills) Rogue
875 Nahiagodx (66 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement
876 Amal (66 player kills) Rogue Invigorating Strike, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
877 Fwickle (66 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
878 MomerTovs (66 player kills) Sorcerer
879 bussyslayer (66 player kills) Barbarian Bash, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Call of the Ancients, Ground Stomp, Leap
880 Vibo (66 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Death Trap, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Poison Trap
881 Ikyrionka (66 player kills) Sorcerer
882 Sharp (66 player kills) Barbarian
883 Crixantor (65 player kills) Druid
884 Forrix (65 player kills) Barbarian Iron Skin, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
885 Biggums (65 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
886 Scrappy (65 player kills) Druid Wind Shear, Pulverize, Grizzly Rage, Trample, Blood Howl, Earthen Bulwark
887 Shinn (65 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Death Blow, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
888 Loodie (65 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Hurricane, Debilitating Roar, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage
889 Nadana (65 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Poison Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
890 Melahat (65 player kills) Sorcerer Firewall, Inferno, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
891 Ellectra (65 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Unstable Currents
892 Viri (65 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
893 maxinbo (65 player kills) Rogue
894 [HC] Thump (65 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Grizzly Rage, Debilitating Roar, Trample
895 Thicc (65 player kills) Barbarian
896 Tuatha (65 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
897 CptKantfack (65 player kills) Necromancer
898 Liam (65 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
899 SeriousBlack (65 player kills) Sorcerer
900 Aura (65 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
901 나그 (64 player kills) Barbarian Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, Rupture, Rend, Steel Grasp, War Cry
902 제우스 (64 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Death Trap
903 Castafiore (64 player kills) Barbarian
904 Kelon (64 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Earthen Bulwark, Debilitating Roar, Trample, Grizzly Rage
905 VeSpeR (64 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud
906 kaNu (64 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Armor, Ice Shards, Flame Shield, Frost Nova, Meteor, Teleport
907 Titepo (64 player kills) Barbarian
908 Kaberal (64 player kills) Barbarian Frenzy, Hammer of the Ancients, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
909 kju (64 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
910 Jeremiah (64 player kills) Rogue Blade Shift, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, Shadow Clone, Shadow Imbuement
911 Mathildo (64 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
912 Boro (64 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Storm, Bone Prison
913 yujirohanma (64 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout
914 小萌梦 (64 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
915 murfin (64 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
916 Mefedrol (64 player kills) Sorcerer Arc Lash, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Teleport, Unstable Currents
917 Hate (63 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Poison Imbuement, Dash, Death Trap
918 ObeyTheBrave (63 player kills) Sorcerer Inferno, Ice Shards, Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, Frost Nova
919 Soriq (63 player kills) Barbarian Ground Stomp, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
920 elering (63 player kills) Barbarian
921 jakeynecro (63 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, Bone Prison, Bone Storm
922 Parsian (63 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap
923 WillemDaFren (63 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Landslide, Earthen Bulwark, Poison Creeper, Trample, Petrify
924 Griffu (63 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Rapid Fire, Shadow Imbuement, Shadow Clone, Flurry, Twisting Blades
925 Ferp (63 player kills) Rogue Invigorating Strike, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Trap, Cold Imbuement, Death Trap
926 paOol (63 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Tornado, Hurricane, Cyclone Armor, Blood Howl, Grizzly Rage
927 Freya (63 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Shadow Clone, Dark Shroud
928 Sigma (63 player kills) Rogue
929 HotPot (63 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Rallying Cry, Call of the Ancients
930 QuangHà (63 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
931 SONG (63 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Prison, Corpse Tendrils, Iron Maiden, Bone Storm
932 Duessa (62 player kills) Rogue
933 Koz (62 player kills) Druid
934 Eggcerer (62 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze, Ice Armor, Teleport
935 非礼一世 (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout
936 Dekka (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Wrath of the Berserker, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Whirlwind
937 Gobehell (62 player kills) Sorcerer
938 Otombo (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
939 Kimz (62 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Inferno, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Flame Shield
940 Scorpy (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Call of the Ancients
941 soZedante (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Double Swing, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Ground Stomp
942 ImpeachedCat (62 player kills) Druid
943 Dom (62 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Dark Shroud, Dash, Shadow Step
944 Ardent (62 player kills) Barbarian Bash, Hammer of the Ancients, Ground Stomp, Rallying Cry, Leap, Call of the Ancients
945 Luna (62 player kills) Rogue
946 MJay (62 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
947 MARKUSRÜHL (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Iron Skin
948 AceAcw (62 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
949 SilentReaper (62 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Concealment, Shadow Imbuement
950 Horseman (62 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Dash, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
951 Zharke (61 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
952 Shade (61 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Dark Shroud, Death Trap, Shadow Imbuement
953 Fiend (61 player kills) Barbarian Wrath of the Berserker, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Lunging Strike
954 Dragool (61 player kills) Sorcerer Frost Bolt, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Ice Armor
955 AlphaGo (61 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
956 DarkvIsIoN (61 player kills) Rogue
957 Synthessia (61 player kills) Druid Storm Strike, Cyclone Armor, Lightning Storm, Blood Howl, Hurricane, Grizzly Rage
958 oyuF (61 player kills) Barbarian
959 Iction (61 player kills) Rogue Twisting Blades, Puncture, Dash, Shadow Step, Death Trap, Poison Trap
960 TheJohnny (61 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
961 Minerva (61 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Pulverize, Debilitating Roar, Grizzly Rage, Earthen Bulwark, Trample
962 Ved (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
963 ItsJimboLOL (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Flurry, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Dash, Poison Imbuement
964 Bullsigh (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Clone, Dash, Shadow Imbuement, Dark Shroud
965 SkyD (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
966 Zeus (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Poison Trap, Death Trap, Dash, Shadow Step
967 BunAV (60 player kills) Barbarian
968 Terro (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
969 Moustache (60 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Ice Armor, Meteor
970 Xheos (60 player kills) Barbarian
971 Ryggmuskler (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
972 Flanks (60 player kills) Rogue Invigorating Strike, Flurry, Dash, Dark Shroud, Shadow Clone, Cold Imbuement
973 BERSERK (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Challenging Shout, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
974 Blaxxun (60 player kills) Sorcerer
975 Bnouzz (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Poison Trap, Death Trap
976 Aries (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Barrage, Shadow Step, Shadow Imbuement, Cold Imbuement, Shadow Clone
977 硬梆梆 (60 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, Wrath of the Berserker
978 電播皮辣椒 (60 player kills) Rogue
979 Shadez (60 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Poison Imbuement, Poison Trap, Shadow Clone
980 VIKAuragan (60 player kills) Barbarian
981 Neeks (59 player kills) Rogue
982 Jordypordy (59 player kills) Sorcerer
983 Psikick (59 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Hammer of the Ancients, Rallying Cry, Wrath of the Berserker, Challenging Shout, War Cry
984 kookiekrak (59 player kills) Druid Earth Spike, Landslide, Hurricane, Trample, Earthen Bulwark, Petrify
985 Olonni (59 player kills) Sorcerer
986 iBeyondGodly (59 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
987 Smz (59 player kills) Barbarian
988 Arkshija (59 player kills) Necromancer Bone Splinters, Bone Spear, Bone Storm, Corpse Explosion, Decrepify, Golem
989 LaTortas (59 player kills) Barbarian Flay, Rend, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Steel Grasp
990 Xylli (59 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap
991 Misterix (59 player kills) Sorcerer Flame Shield, Ice Shards, Teleport, Frost Nova, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
992 Judah (59 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Call of the Ancients
993 Wabaki (59 player kills) Rogue
994 Kieran (59 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap, Death Trap
995 山上優雅吃肉好棒 (59 player kills) Barbarian Lunging Strike, Whirlwind, Rallying Cry, War Cry, Challenging Shout, Wrath of the Berserker
996 TiffanyZe (58 player kills) Sorcerer Ice Shards, Frost Nova, Teleport, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze
997 iamspeed (58 player kills) Rogue Puncture, Twisting Blades, Dash, Shadow Step, Dark Shroud, Poison Trap
998 Lexide (58 player kills) Rogue
999 Andromeda (58 player kills) Sorcerer
1000 gg (58 player kills) Sorcerer

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