Diablo 4 Marksman Skills

List of D4 Marksman Skills

Marksman is a type of Rogue skill.

Bonus Damage with Marksman Skills:

  • Increases damage dealt by your Skills that have the Marksman tag.
  • You have +{#} of this stat from items and Paragon.

Marksman Skills

NameDescriptionTagsPower NameRewards

Generate Combo Point: 1
Lucky Hit Chance: 50% (per hit)
Fire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing {22/24.2/26.4/28.6/30.8/33/35.2/37.4/39.6/41.8}% damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by +3% for 4 seconds, up to +15%.

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {22/24.2/26.4/28.6/30.8/33/35.2/37.4/39.6/41.8}%

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Heartseeker
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 363402
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock Heartseeker
Fundamental Heartseeker

Heartseeker also increases the Critical Strike Damage the enemy takes from you by +5% for 4 seconds, up to +25%.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Heartseeker
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 363402
  • power mod hash: 675340625
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Heartseeker 01
Improved Rapid Fire

Gain 15 Energy per cast of Rapid Fire when it damages a Vulnerable enemy.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue RapidFire
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 355926
  • power mod: UpgradeA
  • power mod hash: 2686060809
  • reward name: Rogue Mod RapidFire 01

Energy Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 16% (per hit)
Unleash a barrage of 5 arrows that expands outwards, each dealing {20.8/22.9/25/27/29.1/31.2/33.3/35.4/37.4/39.5}% damage. Each arrow has a 20% chance to ricochet off an enemy up to 1 time. Ricochets deal 40% of the arrow's Base damage.

Combo Points increase damage and arrows fired:
1 Point: {25/27.5/30/32.4/34.9/37.4/40/42.5/44.9/47.4}% damage, 6 arrows
2 Points: {29.1/32.1/35/37.8/40.7/43.7/46.6/49.6/52.4/55.3}% damage, 7 arrows
3 Points: {33.3/36.6/40/43.2/46.6/49.9/53.3/56.6/59.8/63.2}% damage, 8 arrows

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {20.8/22.9/25/27/29.1/31.2/33.3/35.4/37.4/39.5}%

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue Barrage
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 439762
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock Barrage
Improved Barrage

Every 3rd cast of Barrage makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue Barrage
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 439762
  • power mod hash: 1189760599
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Barrage 01
Penetrating Shot

Energy Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 50% (per hit)
Fire an arrow that pierces through all enemies in a line, dealing {70/77/84/91/98/105/112/119/126/133}% damage.

Combo Points increase damage and improve Lucky Hit Chance:
1 Point: {91/100.1/109.2/118.3/127.4/136.5/145.6/154.7/163.8/172.9}% damage, +10% chance
2 Points: {112/123.2/134.4/145.6/156.8/168/179.2/190.4/201.6/212.8}% damage, +20% chance
3 Points: {133/146.3/159.6/172.9/186.2/199.5/212.8/226.1/239.4/252.7}% damage, +30% chance

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {70/77/84/91/98/105/112/119/126/133}%

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue PenetratingShot
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 377137
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock PenetratingShot

Generate Combo Point: 1
Lucky Hit Chance: 35% (per hit)
Throw blades a short distance, dealing {21/23.1/25.2/27.3/29.4/31.5/33.6/35.7/37.8/39.9}% damage. Every 3rd cast Slows enemies by 20% for 2 seconds. Critical Strikes will always Slow.

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {21/23.1/25.2/27.3/29.4/31.5/33.6/35.7/37.8/39.9}%

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Crowd Control, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Puncture
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 364877
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock Puncture
Primary Puncture

Every 3rd cast of Puncture will also ricochet up to 2 times. Critical Strikes will always ricochet.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Crowd Control, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Puncture
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 364877
  • power mod: UpgradeB
  • power mod hash: 2686060810
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Puncture 01
Advanced Barrage

Whenever a single cast of Barrage ricochets at least 4 times, your next cast gains +20% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue Barrage
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 439762
  • power mod: MultiHitBonus
  • power mod hash: 2898607991
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Barrage 02
Improved Penetrating Shot

If Penetrating Shot damages at least 3 enemies, your next Penetrating Shot has a +20% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue PenetratingShot
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 377137
  • power mod hash: 3142202907
  • reward name: Rogue Mod PenetratingShot 01
Forceful Arrow

Generate Combo Point: 1
Lucky Hit Chance: 40% (per hit)
Fire a powerful arrow at an enemy, dealing {20/22/24/26/28/30/32/34/36/38}% damage. Every 3rd cast makes the enemy Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {20/22/24/26/28/30/32/34/36/38}%

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Vulnerable, Damage, Physical

Rogue ForcefulArrow
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 416272
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock ForcefulArrow
Fundamental Forceful Arrow

Forceful Arrow Knocks Back Non-Elite enemies if they are Close. If they collide with another enemy, both are Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Vulnerable, Damage, Physical

Rogue ForcefulArrow
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 416272
  • power mod: UpgradeA
  • power mod hash: 2686060809
  • reward name: Rogue Mod ForcefulArrow UpgradeA
Rain of Arrows

Cooldown: 60 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 2% (per hit)
Arrows rain down over a large area 2 times, each wave dealing 100% damage.

Tags: Ultimate, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Cooldown

Rogue RainofArrows
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 400232
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock RainofArrows
Close Quarters Combat

Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a +10% Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds.

While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, you deal x20% increased damage against Crowd Controlled enemies.

Tags: Marksman, Cutthroat, Crowd Control, Attack Speed, Damage

Rogue Talent Discipline T5 N1
  • e type: 2
  • max talent ranks: 1
  • power id: 391669
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Talent Discipline T5 N1
Rapid Fire

Energy Cost: {#}
Lucky Hit Chance: 20% (per hit)
Rapidly fire 5 arrows, each dealing {30/33/36/39/42/45/48/51/54/57}% damage.

Combo Points increase damage and arrows fired:
1 Point: {33/36.3/39.6/42.9/46.2/49.5/52.8/56.1/59.4/62.7}% damage, 6 arrows
2 Points: {36.8/40.4/44.1/47.8/51.5/55.1/58.8/62.5/66.2/69.8}% damage, 7 arrows
3 Points: {42/46.2/50.4/54.6/58.8/63/67.2/71.4/75.6/79.8}% damage, 8 arrows

skill_rankup_desc: Damage {30/33/36/39/42/45/48/51/54/57}%

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue RapidFire
  • e type: 0
  • max talent ranks: 5
  • power id: 355926
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Unlock RapidFire
Fundamental Puncture

Puncture now throws 3 blades in a spread, each dealing 35% of its Base damage. Hitting an enemy with at least 2 blades at once makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Crowd Control, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Puncture
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 364877
  • power mod: UpgradeA
  • power mod hash: 2686060809
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Puncture 02
Primary Forceful Arrow

Forceful Arrow pierces through Vulnerable enemies.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Vulnerable, Damage, Physical

Rogue ForcefulArrow
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 416272
  • power mod: UpgradeB
  • power mod hash: 2686060810
  • reward name: Rogue Mod ForcefulArrow UpgradeB
Primary Heartseeker

Heartseeker ricochets to an additional enemy, dealing 30% of the original damage.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Heartseeker
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 363402
  • power mod hash: 3069386481
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Heartseeker 02
Advanced Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire deals x30% increased Critical Strike Damage for 3 seconds after you Evade.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue RapidFire
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 355926
  • power mod: UpgradeB
  • power mod hash: 2686060810
  • reward name: Rogue Mod RapidFire 02
Advanced Penetrating Shot

When cast with full Energy, Penetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies will also be Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue PenetratingShot
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 377137
  • power mod hash: 2206514638
  • reward name: Rogue Mod PenetratingShot 02
Prime Rain of Arrows

Imbuement Skill effects applied by Rain of Arrows have x20% increased potency.

Tags: Ultimate, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Cooldown

Rogue RainofArrows
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 400232
  • power mod hash: 3567619071
  • reward name: Rogue Mod RainofArrows 01
Supreme Rain of Arrows

Rain of Arrows' second wave Knocks Down enemies for 3 seconds.

Tags: Ultimate, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Cooldown

Rogue RainofArrows
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 400232
  • power mod hash: 2206514638
  • reward name: Rogue Mod RainofArrows 02
Enhanced Puncture

Gain 2 Energy when Puncture damages a Crowd Controlled enemy.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Crowd Control, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Puncture
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 364877
  • power mod: SkillRank
  • power mod hash: 2849853803
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Puncture 03
Enhanced Heartseeker

When Heartseeker Critically Strikes, gain +8% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Double this amount if the enemy is Vulnerable.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Critical Strikes, Damage, Physical

Rogue Heartseeker
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 363402
  • power mod: OnCritBonus
  • power mod hash: 2039671286
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Heartseeker 03
Enhanced Forceful Arrow

Every 3rd cast of Forceful Arrow additionally has a +15% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Tags: Basic, Marksman, Vulnerable, Damage, Physical

Rogue ForcefulArrow
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 416272
  • power mod: SkillRank
  • power mod hash: 2849853803
  • reward name: Rogue Mod ForcefulArrow SkillRank
Enhanced Penetrating Shot

Penetrating Shot deals x10% increased damage per enemy it pierces.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue PenetratingShot
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 377137
  • power mod hash: 3114299239
  • reward name: Rogue Mod PenetratingShot 03
Enhanced Rapid Fire

Each subsequent arrow from Rapid Fire has +5% increased Critical Strike Chance, up to +40% for the 8th arrow

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue RapidFire
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 355926
  • power mod: SkillRank
  • power mod hash: 2849853803
  • reward name: Rogue Mod RapidFire 03
Enhanced Barrage

Barrage's ricochet chance is increased to 100% for arrows that damage a Vulnerable enemy or Critically Strike any enemy.

Tags: Core, Marksman, Imbueable, Damage, Physical, Energy

Rogue Barrage
  • e type: 1
  • max talent ranks: 3
  • power id: 439762
  • power mod: SkillRank
  • power mod hash: 2849853803
  • reward name: Rogue Mod Barrage 03

Critical Strikes with Marksman Skills grant you Precision. You gain x4% increased Critical Strike Damage per stack of Precision, up to a maximum of x20%.

When you reach maximum Precision, your next Marksman Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike that deals x40% increased Critical Strike Damage, then consumes all stacks of Precision.

Tags: Marksman, Critical Strikes, Damage

Rogue Talent Buildaround 01
  • e type: 2
  • max talent ranks: 1
  • power id: 1098169
  • power mod hash: 0
  • reward name: Rogue Talent Buildaround 01

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