Diablo 4 Inventory

The inventory is split into four categories: Equipment, Consumables, Quest, and Aspects. Each item stored in your inventory has the same size (1×1).

Which tabs does the inventory screen have?

Diablo 4 Inventory and Stash

Given the greater diversity of items in Diablo 4, the game's inventory screen will be split into four tabs:

  • Equipment: armor, gems, and weapons
  • Consumables: crafting materials and elixirs
  • Quest: items related to the completion of quests
  • Aspects: Aspects received from dungeons and the Occultist

Auto-sort upon pickup

Although not confirmed, we assume that items are auto-sorted into their proper tabs when picked up.

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Diablo 4 Item Slots

Characters in Diablo IV can equip a total of 10 items on the following item slots: Helm, Torso, Gloves, Legs, Boots, Amulet, Ring 1, Ring 2, Main Hand, and Off-Hand.

Diablo 4 Item Slots

Inventory Size

In Diablo 4 each character has a set number of slots in their inventory for temporarily storing items (that can be augmented with additional space found inside a stash which is a more permanent storage system where the player can store more items in the safety of a Town. Mounts will also have space to store items.

Items in Diablo games generally takes up sizes from 1x1 (like a potion or ring) to 2x4 (Great Longbow). However, in Diablo 4, items will always take one slot only

Each player has an inventory of 11 columns and three rows giving a total of 33 slots. This was shown in the development blog of December 2020.

These slots are then broken down into tabs (see above), each of the same amount of 33 slots.

Can you please add a Gem tab to the inventory?

The feedback will be passed on to the development team. One of the things that the tab inventory allows for is to have flexibility in where items go.

Paper Doll

The paper doll has been a staple of the Diablo series and returns in Diablo 4 with equipment slots surrounding a player's character. The Paper Doll is a true representation a character and its gear.

Statistics are shown on the left of the paper doll which includes important stats such as:

  • Attack Power
  • Armor
  • Life
  • Materials
  • Strength
  • Intelligence
  • Willpower
  • Dexterity


The tabs along the top of the main item inventory section at the bottom of the inventory screen allow players to switch to each type of item stored in a player's inventory. This effectively means that item types such as Quests, Consumables and Legendary Aspects are kept separate from the main Equipment inventory screen.

Tabs include:

  • Equipment (Weapons, armor, scrolls, potions etc)
  • Quests
  • Consumables
  • Aspects

Inventory and Stash

The inventory is split into four categories: Equipment, Consumables, Quest, and Aspects. Each item stored in your inventory has the same size (1x1).

A December 2022 screenshot of the inventory screen showed 3 rows by 11 columns of slots on the Equipment tab, for a total of 33 slots.

If the other three tabs have the same amount of slots, that'd be grand total of 132 slots that can hold 132 items.

The stash is shared between your characters. All of a player's characters' items are available in a shared stash.

Inventory D4

We saw a lot of feedback around the inventory, either regarding its coloring, the style/size of the item icons, or overall aesthetic. To avoid interrupting gameplay with pockets of inventory management, we’re not planning on bringing back different-sized items. However, we’ve been tackling the other points from a variety of directions.

With item icons, we’d initially pursued a painterly style to stay in line with the overall art direction of the game, and we’re finding that it doesn’t come across as well when we’re talking about small elements in the UI. We’re now exploring another approach more directly based off the 3D models to give them natural texture and realism.

Diablo 4 Inventory

We’ve also toned down the brightness and saturation of the icon backgrounds, as well as added secondary visual cues for indicating rarity via the border decoration. This way, we’ve made rarity indicators visually more subtle but hopefully with a wider range in accessibility.

We received some non-specific feedback about the inventory, but we had guesses as to what people were reacting to based on our own observations. We’ve reorganized the layout of the inventory to what is hopefully a more balanced composition, and across the board we’re looking at the color spread and contrast levels of individual UI pieces.

Diablo 4 Inventory

We hope to both home in on our goal of a gritty, realistic UI, while balancing ease of use. As the inventory screen is something our players will probably interact with the most, we really appreciate your feedback in this area.

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