Diablo 4 DLC Price & Cost

The official price for Diablo 4’s upcoming DLC, Vessel of Hatred, has not yet been announced by Blizzard. However, there have been some clues and speculations based on various sources:

Leaks and Survey: Leaked surveys from Blizzard suggest they considered multiple price points for the DLC, ranging from $49.99 to $99.99. These different tiers offered diverse bonus content and features alongside the expansion itself, like new hero skins, mounts, platinum currency, and early access.

Speculation: Based on past Blizzard pricing for expansions and the survey leak, the most likely price range for Vessel of Hatred is somewhere between $50 and $80. However, it’s important to remember that this is just speculation and the actual price could be higher or lower.

Official Sources: Unfortunately, Blizzard hasn’t given any official statements about the price yet. Their focus has been on revealing the exciting details of the new region, story, and features of the DLC.

Tips for staying informed:

  • Follow Blizzard’s official Diablo 4 channels on social media and their website for any announcements about the DLC, including its price.
  • Keep an eye on gaming news websites and forums for any leaks or rumors about the DLC price.
  • Wait for Blizzard’s official announcement to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the DLC price.


  • The official price announcement is still pending from Blizzard.
  • Leaks and speculation should be treated with caution until officially confirmed.
  • Be patient and wait for Blizzard’s official reveal for the most accurate information.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about Diablo 4 or its upcoming DLC.

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