Title System – Dark and Darker


This update also introduces two major features, the first iteration of our Quest system and the new Adventure Title system.

Merchants now give quests that can be completed to earn extra rewards and unlock access to better items, crafts, and deals.

The Adventure Title system allows adventurers to test their skills in the High Roller dungeons to progress through ranks and earn rewards for the next season. We will reveal the rewards for each title in the upcoming weeks. We have revealed the first reward as an exclusive Nightmare skeleton skin for reaching the ‘Pathfinder’ rank.

Other major changes include the introduction of two new player attributes. Vigor now determines the maximum health of a character while Dexterity determines a player’s action speed.

The next hotfix we plan to continue our efforts on improving matchmaking. We will continue to tune our MMR system and test the starting gear ‘Normal’ dungeons a bit longer. We also plan to test the ability for solo/duos/squads to play across every locale currently in the game very soon. We are working on introducing the HR Ruin so duos can also earn a title.

  • Adventure Title Ranked system for the High-Roller dungeons.

Dark and Darker Items