Aion Classic Mob Farming Guide

Mob farming in Aion Classic is a fundamental method to earn kinah, gather materials, and level up your character. This guide will provide you with essential tips, recommended locations, and strategies for efficient mob farming.

Benefits of Mob Farming

  1. Kinah: Steady income from loot and direct kinah drops.
  2. Materials: Gather crafting materials, manastones, and other valuable items.
  3. Experience Points: Gain significant XP to level up your character.
  4. Consumables: Obtain potions, scrolls, and other useful consumables.

Choosing the Right Mobs to Farm

  1. Level Appropriateness: Target mobs that are within your level range to maximize efficiency and minimize risk.
  2. Loot Table: Focus on mobs that drop valuable items, crafting materials, and kinah.
  3. Density and Respawn Rate: Farm in areas with high mob density and fast respawn rates to ensure continuous farming.

Collecting and selling flux from mobs is a steady Aion Classic kinah income. Recommended Farming Locations Here are some prime locations for mob farming in Aion Classic:

  1. Poeta (Level 1-10)

    • Mobs: Kerubs, Spriggs, and Karnifs.
    • Drops: Low-level gear, crafting materials, and basic consumables.
    • Strategy: Ideal for beginners to gather initial resources and level up quickly.
  2. Eltnen (Level 20-30)

    • Mobs: Lepharist Revolutionaries, Krall, and Mau.
    • Drops: Mid-level gear, crafting materials, and kinah.
    • Strategy: Focus on areas with high mob density and efficient kill rates.
  3. Heiron (Level 35-45)

    • Mobs: Undead, Balaur, and Heiron Rangers.
    • Drops: High-quality gear, manastones, and valuable crafting materials.
    • Strategy: Group up with other players to handle tougher mobs and maximize farming efficiency.
  4. Theobomos (Level 40-50)

    • Mobs: Theobomos Lab mobs, Drakes, and Skurvs.
    • Drops: High-quality gear, rare materials, and kinah.
    • Strategy: Target specific areas with high mob density and quick respawn rates.
  5. Brusthonin (Level 40-50)

    • Mobs: Undead, Balaur, and Earth Spirits.
    • Drops: High-quality gear, crafting materials, and manastones.
    • Strategy: Similar to Heiron, group farming can increase efficiency and safety.

Farming Strategies

  1. Optimize Your Gear: Ensure your gear is up to date and appropriately enchanted to maximize damage output and survivability.
  2. Efficient Looting: Use auto-loot features and prioritize valuable drops to maximize your inventory space.
  3. Manage Consumables: Carry sufficient potions, scrolls, and food to sustain long farming sessions.
  4. Group Up: Form groups with other players to handle tougher mobs and increase kill rates.
  5. Track Respawn Rates: Identify the respawn times of mobs in your farming area to optimize your farming route.
  6. Market Awareness: Keep an eye on the marketplace to understand which materials and items are in high demand and focus on farming those.

Advanced Tips

  1. Rotations and Routes: Develop efficient farming routes that cover multiple mob spawn points to minimize downtime.
  2. Mob Weaknesses: Understand the weaknesses of the mobs you are farming and adjust your strategy and skills accordingly.
  3. Gear Upgrades: Regularly upgrade your gear to keep up with the increasing difficulty of higher-level mobs.
  4. Daily Quests: Combine mob farming with daily quests to maximize your rewards and efficiency.

Conclusion Mob farming in Aion Classic is a core activity that can greatly enhance your kinah earnings, resource collection, and character progression. By choosing the right mobs, optimizing your farming strategies, and staying informed about market trends, you can become an efficient and successful farmer.

Guides & Tips